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Ensure Compliance and Efficiency in Crude Oil Production with Precise Specifications.

Ensure Compliance and Efficiency in Crude Oil Production with Precise Specifications.

Crude oil production must adhere to specific density, viscosity, and water cut standards for custody transfer as defined by industry regulations. Failing to meet these conditions before shipping can result in significant reprocessing fees, operational downtime, and regulatory compliance issues.

Our integrated skid solution ensures crude oil quality meets all required conditions before shipment. Emerson meter technologies provide precise density measurements and cover a wide viscosity range to detect blending inconsistencies.

Meet all required process conditions
Avoid operation downtime
Avoid reprocessing fees
Industry leader in accuracy and reliablity
At Control Southern, we have the right technology, consultants, and expertise to help you create the right solutions!
Connect with an expert
(770) 495-3100